Thursday, November 5, 2009


Sickness is everywhere. There are virus germs everywhere and bacteria is running rampart! What has happened to man - the people?

There was a time when people had worked so hard they were too tired to go to the gym, walk, or jog. In this age of technology, people do not have to work their bodies. The brain is a great and mysterious organ that has allowed man to develop machinery to do the work. The body now lays flaccid, lazy and unused other than to perform bodily functions - and surely a machine will be developed for this one day. But what has this done to the rest of the body?

At one time the body was used to cut and gather wood for heat, grow and gather vegetables for food, get water to drink, to move man from one place to another, wash and dry clothes, and a multitude of other daily duties. Now there are machines to perform these duties or chores. Bodies have become weak. As a result the organs of the body are not strong and do not function as well an therefore it gets sick. Bacteria and virus enter the body through various points and the weakened immune system cannot fight off.

What is this doing to the brain - the thinking organ? The brain is telling the body how to operate the machines, which button to push. At one time the brain was used to rationalize, create, develop - to think - and now it functions on rote, it follows directions. If you don't believe it, get a new sound system. All the wires, speakers, modes, speeds - it doesn't take but a minute to get thoroughly confused and frustrated. After a week or two after installation, its operation is quite easy. The same goes for a new remote control, microwave oven, an alarm system, lawn mower, a coffee maker, and the must have cell phone - for a day or two these items provide confusion and frustration.

The world has been made easy. The floors practically clean itself (no more scrubbing on hands and knees), laundry chores are a snap (no more heating water, soaking clothes, then scrub scrub scrub and then rinse) , with a flip of the switch lights come on or homes are heated or cooled depending on the preference. We drive to the store to get food to cook (no gardens to turn, sow, plow and reap) or a restaurant if we are "too tired to cook." Water is as easy and near as the faucet - no more hauling water from the well or pumping from the back porch. We don't have much to do to function at home and stay very comfortable with feet up, hand on the remote and cozy warm as we watch the television because we are so very tired.

What about at work? Most office duties are now computerized, packing and shipping is mechanized, production is done by a machine that we "watch". How many muscles do we use "watching" a machine? How strong do our bodies get "watching" the manufacturing process? When asked "How are you?", the most common one word answer is "tired". Tired from what? Tired from watching?

Lazy, weak, tired and wasting away our bodies and our minds. Get moving, not only will your body feel stronger, but your mind will work better. Play tennis, golf, racquetball, basketball, run, walk, dance, do something to get that body strong inside and out. Hope you have a happy day! Keep reading, but get up and walk!

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