Wednesday, January 5, 2011

How long will it take?

So many new faces taking office this week or soon thereafter.  Their positions or seats won by promising to represent the will of the people; to do away with all the overspending in progress now; and to return freedom to the people of the United States.  How long will it last?

How long before the first lobbyist reminds a senator or representative of that campaign contribution that helped get him elected?  How long before a lobbyist promises a contribution to ensure re-election?  How long before the "let's make a deal" starts and the campaign promises and the constituents are thrown to the wind?

The one thing I have been told or heard by elected officials consistently is "but you don't understand; you don't know how it is."  It seems so easy to make promises, plans, and set up objectives that one or two months down the road don't mean a hill of beans.  Politicians forget the constituents and grow on the power and the people they are now exposed to and have the ear of.  It all comes down to power and control and no matter who is elected or what they promise, power and control take over and they are no longer interested in the wishes or thoughts that put them in office.  Friend or foe, it doesn't matter - they are the important ones now and they are making the decisions.

One warning - elections come often.  Tread carefully.  Now more than ever before the American people are watching and are no longer apathetic to what is going on in their government whether it be local, state, or federal.

Just some thoughts, so until next time . . .

Happy reading!

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