Thursday, November 12, 2009

I Believe

I received a "you tube" clip today - it depicted different speaking engagements in which President Obama related his participation in the Muslim faith and his support of Islam and the part Muslims have played in developing this great country. Many of this nation's Presidents have not expressed any religious preference and many of our Presidents have not been Christian. Some were good leaders of our nation and some were not. Our United States is a country that is known for opening its arms to all people regardless of their religious beliefs or their lack thereof.

This clip disturbed me. Not because President Obama expressed his beliefs in Islam, but because he expounded on the accomplishments, the greatness of, and his great admiration of Islam. Then President Obama stated my/our/the United States was not a Christian nation. I know that this is a compilation of different events, but that does not change the words spoken.

"We, the people" - not we, the Catholic; not we, the Lutheran; not we, the Baptist; not we, the Methodist; but "we, the people." There are many agnostics and atheists in this great land and according to the laws of this land, they are equal to any one else with differing beliefs.

I am a Christian.

I believe that God created the heavens and the earth; that God Created man; that God sent his Son so that through him I might be saved. I believe.

Is our President attempting to create turmoil within this country based on religious preference? The Middle East has been the site of religious wars for centuries. Is our President attempting to stir religious conflict in our country?

On this I will NOT back down. It is my belief that this country was based on freedom. I have the right to own my Bible. I have the right to read my Bible anywhere I want to. I have the right to attend any church. I have the right to write these words. I have the right to share my thoughts and so do you.

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