Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Professional Ethics

A cop shouldn't go in a bar for drinks and then drive a vehicle or socialize with known criminals

A teacher must watch his/her actions and make sure nothing he/she she does is publicized on the internet

A banker can't gamble or live lavishly

An attorney can't socialize with a judge or anyone else for that matter

A doctor can't smoke, overeat, or drink

An accountant can't gamble, play the lottery, or live lavishly

A fireman shouldn't like fire and shouldn't drink and drive

A pediatrician shouldn't admit they like children

A journalist should never express an opinion

A computer expert should never admit to his hacking abilities

A pharmacist should never take medicine

A preacher can't smoke, drink, or do much of anything

Talk about judgmental! God sure has his hands full when a professional passes on - glad its him and not me!

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