Friday, January 22, 2010

Dear DirectTV

I thought you had more scruples than this!

Last month we cancelled our Starz movie package - we don't watch movies so that was an easy decision in our efforts to cut our budget. Good move since the cancellation knocked $12.99 plus tax per month off our bill. No problem. Then this month we receive notice that our base package cost will be increased by $10.00 plus tax per month.

Shame on you! You are already getting lamblasted by Dish TV for your higher rates and now you raise them even more. Now I will once again go through the process of researching the service and terms of your competitors and find the best deal for me and my family. Before I get started, I find that you are a loser.

Greed cost!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Move Is On

Finally, the good old boys democrats have lost out in Massachusetts! Keep the ball rolling! We can change other states, too. Contact, contact, contact!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

On Our Soil

Could the people of the United States survive a military conflict on US soil? Do we know how to be alert and cautious? How would the citizens of Atlanta, Georgia or Orlando, Florida or Dallas, Texas respond to an attack on these highly populated cities?

I think of the bombing and fighting in the many cities of the Middle East and Asia and wonder if the American people would pull together and support each other if we were in the same situation. The people of our country can be so passionately divided on many issues, yet if needed, would those differences interfere with the support and compassion needed in a military conflict.

Just thinking.


Two More

My heart hurts! Two more businesses in our little town have closed their doors shutting out the business that was not there to keep them going. One a gathering place for the conservative ole codgers to meet and complain every morning while sipping their coffee. The other a specialty coffee shop and gathering place for students in between classes.

Both will be missed! That means two more buildings empty on main street. I think that brings the total to 5 or is it 6? Reminds me of the ghost towns of the old west.