Thursday, September 29, 2011

It is okay to be angry;
It is not okay to be cruel!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Election Year

Election year is fast approaching.  Research your favored candidate now!  After officials are in office it is too late.  Know who you are voting for when you pull that lever or press that button!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Somebody killed a little girl
Somebody burried this little girl in the backyard
Somebody moved the little girl's dead body to another area
Somebody found the little girl's body
Somebody was arrested
Somebody was found not guilty
Nobody will pay for killing this child

Some day justice will be served - served by some one else
because No One Can Fool God
He sees all
He hears all
He knows all

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Walk, Pedal or Drive

The mobility of the human race has been uppermost in the development and invention of wheeled transportation.  God gave us two legs to make us mobile.  In our desire to "save" our time and put forth less energy, we harnessed horses, mules and cows as a means of transportation.  Still uncomfortable in our means of transport, the wheel was developed and along came tricycles, bicycles and carts.  Too much effort was required to pedal so motors were attached and we had motorcycles, scooters, automobiles and trucks.  Man still could not get where he wanted to be fast enough so along came airplanes and on and on and on.

What would have happened if we had stayed with what we were given - two legs?  The environment would have not experienced the impact of concrete, asphalt, emissions from vehicles, and so much more.  Would the earth and its inhabitants been healthier? 

The little town of Griffin, Georgia is now considering banning bicycles from sidewalks.  A little courtesy on both the part of the rider as well as the walker would most likely cure the woes of the complainants, but then the lack of such courtesy is the cause of so many accidents on the streets, roads and highways.  Walking is healthy; pedalling is healthy.  With the continuing rise in the price of fuel, there will be many more walking and riding.  It is the cheapest form of transportation and can be so much fun in the process of getting where we need to go. 

Whatever form of transportation you choose, remember to be courteous.

As Grandpa use to say, "be nice!"

Thanks for listening and until next time . . .

Happy reading!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Southern Tornados

I had seen all the pictures on the news, those sent via email and over the phone, and I had listened to all the horror stories and vivid descriptions of the devastation caused by the tornados that hit our area on Thursday morning.  But nothing I had seen or heard prepared me for my trip into and through Barnesville yesterday.  The bile rose in my throat as I looked at the power of the storm and I wondered how anyone survived this mighty wind.  It brought tears to my eyes as we drove slowly through the Grove Street area and I know that the Buice family was mightily blessed to have escaped with their lives.

My girls had called and ordered me to the bathroom with pillows to cover my body, but pillows would have not been enough if these storms had chose another path.  As I huddled and fervently prayed for protection for me and mine, I realized that we are truly in the hands of God and after seeing the destruction there is nothing humanly possible to protect oneself from this type of disaster. 

My heart goes out to Marty and his family as they try to rebuild their lives without their parent's and I pray for peace to them as they make the long journey through their grief.  I thank God that he spared the lives of so many. 

Monday, April 18, 2011

Oil Spill

Much reading on the Louisiana Oil Spill on the anniversary of the mishap.  Some reports all is back to normal in the area.  Another report revealed oil spill workers are mysteriously sick after working the spill.

The earth replenishes and heals itself even if traces of destruction are still visible.  Very few things can stop the revitalization after a disaster.  Trees sprout forth, water purifies itself and life goes on.  It may not be the same life, but life is temporary - as soon as one is gone another replaces it.

Nothing is forever on this earth.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Government Shutdown

Where is all the concern?  There will not be a government shutdown.  This happened several years ago and was a power play which resolved itself in a few weeks. 

It is another dramatic tactic to bring attention to our capitol and the power struggle that is this United States.  It isn't like they don't have an operational budget.  It is because the two political parties are struggling to show strength for their interest. 

Budgets are really very simple but really hard to stick to.  You have a certain amount of money coming in and you have a certain amount of services to provide.  Any shortfall calls for cuts in services and any overage should be dumped in a "savings" account to cover emergencies. 

You can't get blood from a turnip and all those legislators that have made promises they now can't keep will have to face the consequences of their mouth overflow.  You don't make promises you can't keep. 

These knowledgeable people need to get the street smarts of their president and get on with business.  After all aren't the political parties no more than organized people fighting for power and control.  No where is more crimes committed than on capitol hill and the perpetrators are all covered by diplomatic immunity.

Just a though!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I really try to keep up with the happening around the world, but apparently I have missed something. 

Last Sunday Gadhafi's son advised that the United States was making a grave error in supporting the rebels as they were the bad guys.  He advised it would all come to light and the United States would see the truth.

Last night (Monday) President Obama revealed he was keeping his promise and turning the support of the Libyans over to the United Nations.

This morning the United States representative in the United Nations advised that the White House had not decided to turn the support over as yet because our President is considering arming the rebels of another country.

Did I miss something?

I have some questions.  Is the United States now supporting the al Quida through our President's actions?
Does the President believe he can go on national television and lie to the American people without retribution?
Can he? 

I need more information which I am most likely not going to get.  Does he have intelligence from our foreign spy network to confirm that the rebels are the bad guys?  Is their information more reliable than that received concerning Iraq?  What happened overnight to change the "White House's" mind?

Trying to make sense out of all this and hope I am not alone!

Monday, March 28, 2011


For years our little county government ran like a well oiled clock with 3 clerks and an administrator in the commissioners office. With little economic growth in the county as well as nationwide, the commissioners feel the need to add more personnel.  A payroll clerk, an accounts payable clerk, a receptionist/secretary, an office manager and now a fire fee clerk to handle the all encompassing clerical duties for a county of around 17000.  Talk about efficiency and wastefullness and the county is suppose to be in a budget crunch!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Somebody needs to start tapping that oil reserve in Montana and the Dakotas before we all go broke!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Who are the "good ole boys"?

I have heard the term "the good ole boys" throughout my lifetime and I have often pondered who these boys are and how did they get there.

Is this a group of friends that rule the world?

Is it the financially elite that control all official matters?

Is it the family that has earned the respect of his friends and neighbors, co-workers, fellow church members and most of all his family?

From the highest to the lowest positions in government, there is always a group of "the good ole boys" and they are not the same group or following the same rules. 

I will continue looking, but if any one finds "the good ole boys" please let me know so I can see what is so special about these guys.

Happy reading!

Splost Vote

The vote on the splost tax passed in our little county this week.  I support the tax as a means of generating revenue to continue services to the community - and ours has been hard hit economically in the past few years, but then so have many others.  County government should not be in the money making business.

There are many counties that continually increase property tax, while others institute an local income tax.  The splost tax distributes the burden of tax among those that spend money in the county.  If you don't have money to spend, it has no impact. 

I feel that our commissioners are not wise stewards of the monies they receive for county operations, but when constituents are always screaming for more and better services there must be a way to support those services.

For the past 20 odd years our population has not changed more than 2000 people and that was when there was manufacturing and a college in the county.  Our county is included in the Metro Atlanta network only because the majority of our population work in the network and live in our little county.  There are so many disadvantages to this designation and few benefits. 

Thanks for those that supported the splost and remember to pray for our commissioners in their decision making in the use of these funds. 

Happy reading!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

All you spoiled brats out there wanting more services - shut up! 
It takes money to give you your heart's desire and that is what makes taxes go up! 


Quit calling 9-1-1 when your lights go out - they don't provide your electricity!


Listen Up!

It is ridiculous to tax girl scout cookies and boy scout popcorn!  Come on guys, can't you leave these kids alone.  Do they have to pay tax on their lemonade stand sales also?

Monday, February 28, 2011

Mama always said, "if you can't say something nice about somebody keep your mouth shut."  Sound good to me.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Goodness - gas prices are on the rise and I have travelling fever!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I love the new American Idol judges!

Monday, January 31, 2011

In a county of approximately 16,000 our government leaders want to generate revenue to support unwanted and unneeded services.  Seems they too have forgotten who the government represents.  Too many favors owed?
Happy that a federal judge agrees with me that the Health Care Bill is unconstitutional.  I am not against Health Care supported by the government, but I am against having it rammed down our throats and illegally mandating participation. So many would benefit from a good Health Care Bill - but someone forgot that government is NOT a business. 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I was an uncaring American citizen last night
I didn't watch the President's State of the Union address!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

My world doesn't revolve around you!
If you make a promise - keep it!
If you can't keep a promise - keep your mouth shut!
How can small town politics get so screwed up?

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The world can live without you
Can you live without the world?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

America is the most regulated country in the world and we call ourselves FREE!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

How long will it take?

So many new faces taking office this week or soon thereafter.  Their positions or seats won by promising to represent the will of the people; to do away with all the overspending in progress now; and to return freedom to the people of the United States.  How long will it last?

How long before the first lobbyist reminds a senator or representative of that campaign contribution that helped get him elected?  How long before a lobbyist promises a contribution to ensure re-election?  How long before the "let's make a deal" starts and the campaign promises and the constituents are thrown to the wind?

The one thing I have been told or heard by elected officials consistently is "but you don't understand; you don't know how it is."  It seems so easy to make promises, plans, and set up objectives that one or two months down the road don't mean a hill of beans.  Politicians forget the constituents and grow on the power and the people they are now exposed to and have the ear of.  It all comes down to power and control and no matter who is elected or what they promise, power and control take over and they are no longer interested in the wishes or thoughts that put them in office.  Friend or foe, it doesn't matter - they are the important ones now and they are making the decisions.

One warning - elections come often.  Tread carefully.  Now more than ever before the American people are watching and are no longer apathetic to what is going on in their government whether it be local, state, or federal.

Just some thoughts, so until next time . . .

Happy reading!